Boil Advisory Rescinded
November 07, 2024
Update November 9, 2024 @ 12:54 PM
Boil Water Advisory Rescinded for Miami Co. RWD #3, Miami County
TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has rescinded a boil water advisory for the Miami County Rural Water District #3 public water supply system located in Miami County. The advisory was issued because of high turbidity at the City of Osawatomie treatment plant. High turbidity can lead to a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination.
Public water suppliers in Kansas take all measures necessary to notify customers quickly after a system failure or shutdown. Regardless of whether it’s the supplier or KDHE that announces a boil water advisory, KDHE will issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.
Laboratory testing samples collected from Miami Co RWD #3 indicate no evidence of bacteriological contamination and all other conditions that placed the system at risk of contamination are deemed by KDHE officials to be resolved.
Update November 8, 2024 @ 12:13 PM
Rural Water District 3, Miami County is still under a Boil Advisory issued by KDHE. We will be able to run water samples as soon as the city of Osawatomie does. Thank you for your patience.
Boil Water Advisory Issued for Miami Co. Rural Water District 3, Miami
TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has issued a boil water advisory for the Miami County Rural Water District 3 public water supply system located in Miami County.
Customers should observe the following precautions until further notice:
• Boil water for one minute prior to drinking or food preparation or use bottled water.
• Dispose of ice cubes and do not use ice from a household automatic icemaker.
• If your tap water appears dirty, flush the water lines by letting the water run until it clears.
• Disinfect dishes and other food contact surfaces by immersion for at least one minute in clean tap
water that contains one teaspoon of unscented household bleach per gallon of water.
• Water used for bathing does not generally need to be boiled. Supervision of children is necessary
while bathing so that water is not ingested. Persons with cuts or severe rashes may wish to consult their physicians.
The advisory took effect on November 7 and will remain in effect until the conditions that placed the system at risk of bacterial contamination are resolved. KDHE officials issued the advisory because of high turbidity at the City of Osawatomie treatment plant. High turbidity can lead to a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination.
Regardless of whether the public water supplier or Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announced a boil water advisory, only KDHE can issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.
For consumer questions, please contact the water system at 913-755-2146, or KDHE at 785-296-5514. For consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:
Restaurants and other food establishments that have questions about the impact of the boil water advisory on their business can contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s food safety & lodging program at or call 785-564-6767.